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This research grant is opened for application to all Malaysian undergraduates or postgraduates doing research on Malaysian Buddhism as their degree project/thesis.


General Objective:

  • to encourage research and study in the field of Buddhism in Malaysia


Specific Objectives:

  • to contribute to scientific knowledge on local Buddhist development

  • to recognise and support the efforts of Malaysian Buddhism researchers

  • to support research capacity of institutions of higher learning.

Topics of Research

  •  Please refer to Proposed Topics shown below.


Amount of the research grant:

  • Dependant on the budgetary expenses requires for the research subject to a maximum of RM 1,000 (Bachelor degree) / RM3,000 (Master's degree)/ RM5,000(Doctor’s degree).

Terms and Conditions:

  • All applicants must be Malaysian citizens studying in an institution of higher learning in Malaysia.

  • Those who have received grants from other sources are eligible for this application.

  • All successful applicants need to furnish the YBBM a half yearly progress report.

  • The YBBM reserves the right to terminate the issuance of the research grant at any time at its discretion.

  • The researchers shall present his/her research findings at a YBBM meeting.

  • The researchers shall acknowledge YBBM funding in their publication(s).


Process of application:

  • Applicants need to download a standard an application form from the YBBM website.

  • The completed application form is to be submitted to the YBBM secretariat with a photo of the ID (

  • The application form will be vetted by a Selection Committee, whose decision shall be final.

  • The outcome of the application will be announced on the YBBM website (about 2 months after the deadline).  In addition, all applicants will be informed of the results by email.


Research Outcome:

  • The successful applicant must submit 2 physical copies and the PDF file of his/her research paper to YBBM after the completion of the paper.

  • The research paper will be published on the YBBM official website and YBBM reserves the right to publish the paper in any form without seeking the permission of the author.

Proposed Topics of Research on Malaysian Buddhism

Theme I: Social Research on Malaysian Buddhism


  1. Impact of social change:

    • Urbanisation, mobility, nucleus family, and their impact on Malaysian Buddhism

    • Practice of worship or rituals at home – trend and challenges

    • Impact of values of contemporary civil society on Malaysian Buddhism.

    • Westernisations/modernisation and its impact on Malaysian Buddhism

  2. Inter-religious relationship

    • Causes/reasons for conversion in or out of Buddhism or traditional Chinese beliefs.

    • Buddhist-Muslim civilizational interactions

    • Perception of non-Buddhists on Buddhists.

    • Causes/reasons for the spread of deviant Buddhist sects

    • Inter-religious dialogues or interactions

  3. Impact of public policies

    • Impact of Islamisation on Buddhist movement

    • Impact of government policies/laws on religious freedom

  4. Impact of globalisation

    • Impact of economic globalisation on Malaysian Buddhism

    • Impact of cultural globalisation on Malaysian Buddhism

    • Impact of Transnational Buddhist organisations on Malaysian Buddhism

    • Global impact of Malaysian Buddhism.

    • Impact of media messages on Malaysian Buddhism

  5. Impact of Science and technology: 

    • Ethical issues arising from stem cells, bio technology. 

    • Ethical issues related to birth control, abortion, IVF.

    • Widespread sensual enjoyment through modern gadgets and its impact on Malaysian Buddhism.

Theme II : Research on Malaysian Buddhist movement per se


  1. Buddhist education

    • Profile of children Dhamma classes (teacher, students, teaching aids and materials, facilities, support, etc)

    • Study on Children Dhamma classes from various perspectives, eg from students response, drop out rate, teacher’s commitment, Buddhist society’s commitment, challenges, etc)

    • Strategies to improve children Dhamma classes

    • Effectiveness of Buddhist publications.

    • A survey on the reading habits of Buddhists, a case example of  Buddhist Digest (Chinese)  or Voice of Buddhism, or Eastern Horizon.

    • Strategies to attract youths, types and effectiveness of programme.

  2. Leadership development:

    • Types of leadership development programmes available, survey on qualities of leaders, areas of improvement required.

  3. Organisational development

    • Study the organisational structures, management of some Buddhist organisations.

  4. Monks’ Education and Training

    • Census on monks/nuns in Malaysia

    • A survey on monks/nuns educational background/ training

  5. Social Engagement

    • Socially Engaged Buddhism in Malaysia

    • Humanistic Buddhism in Malaysia

    • Buddhist contribution on blood and organ donation

    • Buddhist contribution on vegetarianism

    • Buddhist contribution to nation building

    • Buddhist response or contribution in palliative care

  6. Dhamma propagation

    • Impact of hymns in Dhamma propagation

    • Modern technologies used in Dhamma propagation (U-tube, Video, Social media, etc, )

    • Use of public media in Dhamma propagation.

Researching and Writing

© 2022 by Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia.

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